Category Archives: News

Open jukebox

Sometimes I know for like a week about what I will write the next time around but sometimes it is the other way around: I have no idea what to write about.
Most of the time it is because I already have a post about something I am working on and, as you know, Murex jobs are usually quite demanding and you have to be fully involved, I struggle to think about something else.

So, if you have any request for a topic that you would like me to cover, feel free to through the comments, the forums, whichever way you prefer! 🙂

Good news for today!

This is some good news for today. Nothing such as something nice to start the weekend gloriously!

Have a read at this article, I think it will make you feel good (it did for me). Without spoiling much, have a read: it’s short and completely safe for work.

Efinancialcareers post

It’s nice to see that our skills are highly valued! Don’t bother wondering if the post is biased or not. Just enjoy the good feeling and have a nice weekend!

A great article: video games and the economy

Sadly, this article is in French but it’s about the new Greek finance minister. He basically worked for Steam (video game producer also well known for their digital marketplace for video games) for 2 years and was given the chance to have a look at an economy where all data is known. No more statistics, all the information is available and known.

It has been a while since an article struck me as much as that one so I felt like sharing here it today. And for you non French readers, google translate is your friend.

Link to Le monde article (article was free to read for me at the time of posting)

Comments/debate very welcome 🙂

Volatility news

I was starting typing a post about volatility (you’ve understood that it will come later) but getting some material I got into quite a few articles about the expected rise of volatility for 2015.

For instance CNBC  or here .

It’s important in our line of work to keep updated about these articles as they’re often going to translate into concerns or demands from customers. For instance, the interest rates going down led to requests for shifted lognormal volatilities and normal volatilities.

I’ll try to keep posting whenever I see some articles of interest and feel free to do so too!