I had that conversation last week: in order to provide Murex assistance, how much information is required?
Murex consultants (from Murex) providing support usually don’t need design documents, they can be useful sometimes but most of the time they will intervene on single specific problems. Access to an environment is ample information and they will dig in to retrieve whatever information is necessary. If you ask them as to why a crash is occurring, a task stopped working or a formula is not triggered, they do not need to look at the full picture. They can only focus on the single issue and all the information will be at hand (remember that Murex gives usually easy access to all the information used to produce a result: rate curve will give all pricing details, formula debugger will show code execution as well as variable values.
The other reason is that usually Murex consultants are supporting multiple customers and reading through the design document would take a significant amount of time while yielding no direct advantage to answer questions.
On the other hand, internal support team members need to read the design documents if they haven’t been involved in the project. The design document will effectively describe the big picture and explain how everything fit together.
But thinking it over about the time I was supporting different customers at Murex, we would either ask the customers when something seemed not right. Sometimes it would indeed be a design decision and it would not make sense to go against it.
An example: few weeks ago I wrote about rate propagation and basically KMQA/IS is the most logical choice. But you will find customers using KZQC, especially in the Fx world, and this is perfectly normal.
Of course, there is a real added value for the Murex consultants to know about the design choices. This knowledge could come from reading the design document or more often from frequent support and proximity to the customer. And I was indeed more efficient in my efforts when I clearly knew why such a configuration was selected.
Does this mean that Murex consultants should read and go through design documents? I don’t think so, except if they are supporting only that customer (or very few customers). Their job is to provide information about the software, help you get most of it and solve your issues. But the internal support team can provide them assistance and guidance as to why a solution would not be suitable in the customer’s context. Good support is always at the encounter of Murex knowledge and customer configuration knowledge.